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Lessons are held in a relaxed environment on a white Grand Yamaha Piano. The aim is to inspire students and enjoy the process of learning a musical instrument & instil passion and love for playing piano. Lessons are tailored to help each student achieve their desired goal. No student learns at the same pace and every child absorbs information differently.


With many years of experience and having taught over 200 students; I am able to pick up pretty quickly how to demonstrate, express myself, use repetition and numerous different strategies to help each student get the most out of each lesson. Additionally utilising recording devices (phone, iPad) to record snippets of the lesson, sections that student may be experiencing difficulties with, passages that might otherwise take many lessons to master and memorise. This way I am  ensuring that each student has left the lesson knowing exactly what to do for the rest of the week independently and has some visual material to look back at to help guide their practise. Majority of parents are not musically equiped to help during practise times, and I find having visual information to look back at has become fundamental. I like to demonstrate and often find students truly enjoy listening to their teacher play, and I certainly enjoy playing for them. After all, music is meant to be fun and that is what I strive to achieve. 


~Teaching styles: Classical and Contemporary piano music.

~Catering to beginner, intermediate and advanced students. 

~AMEB  or Piano for Leisure Examination preparation.

~Ages: 5 years  and up (taking into consideration the student is able to sit still, be able to listen and follow simple instructions, simple knowledge of alphabet and counting, & eye-hand coordination).

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